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God-Level Fisherman Chapter 42

神级 渔夫 根据纵横中文网老杨半仙小说《神级渔夫》改编 第四十二话华夏医术 主笔:日和线稿:若漓后期:鸡仔改编编剧:字节主编:吹沙!责编:亦风 出品 MeiKe 温纵横文学 鸣谢 極明
别管我是谁她欠你钱对吧。 TOPECRETOPSEGR漫画台
这些,够不够? 米金!好多米金! 漫画台
我们走。 漫画台
谢谢你,先生。 你会说华夏语?
我在那待过三年,那是.· 我最美好的时光 漫画台
你得了什么重病? 漫画台
是艾滋。 漫画台
这么严重的病为什么她提起来一点也不在乎? 先生,这在A城并不是什么罕见的事。
你看看周围战争让秩序荡然无存。 人们为了生存必须付出所有。 漫画台
先生,你快走吧。 别和我们扯上关系 漫画台
让你瞎跑! 还不滚过来! 还有你碰了我的人,五十万。
不然的话... 漫画台
你动了光头党他们不会饶过你的。 我管他什么光头党猪头党。 跟我来,我能治好你的艾滋。 漫画台
先生你在开什么玩笑。 既然你在华夏待过,没听过华夏医术么?
华夏医术,果然和传说的那么神秘.· 漫画台
鹏子,给你带了点好吃的。 别说哥出去玩不想着你。 漫画台
你那是什么表情!不是你想的那样 兄弟我懂 漫画台
我这是跳进黄河也洗不清了。 漫画台


Unholy Bible
2024-01-29 13:30:43 Reply

Mans is pretty good at picking leftover flowers! Though one flower is rotting from so many bee stinger in it and the other already started another garden 💀. (If you don't get what I mean, one of them has aids from being a prostitute, and one of them has a daughter with another man) Don't care if this makes me scum, but imagine taking care of someone elses kid and getting with someone who couldn't even handle staying together for a few more years so that the kid could grow up with a father figure. So selfish, yall had the kid so you take take care of it till the end. Also the way she blushes at the mc annoys me, we all know she wouldnt be blushing at another man like a kid after being married already. It ain't her first time being with a man and the author just wants to make this old lady appealing as much as possible so he can show off his "milf" fetish.

Unholy Bible
2024-01-29 13:33:30 Reply

Oops, wrote a whole paragraph. Wonder how many people will even see this.. 1? 2? None?